Diversity, Inclusion, Access, Equity, Justice, & Systems Change

We bring purpose, passion, and professionalism to help you become more effective while contributing
to something bigger.


Equity Praxis Group (EPG) is a mission-driven consulting practice that supports organizations, communities, and leaders in fostering diversity, inclusion and belonging, access, equity, and justice (DIAEJ). We can help you turn cutting-edge DIAEJ and organization development theory into practice in ways that improve organizational culture, climate, and outcomes.


We’re all about helping you transform your organization, so together
we can transform our communities, and ultimately our world.​



Equity & justice are our passions. Supporting your journey is our business.

Equity is about fairness and opportunity. Sitting at the heart of all we do at EPG, equity is the lens through which we work and the outcome we strive for. We take an intersectional approach to equity around race & ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic class, language, ability, age, and more.

We are here to help you develop an equity lens that you can use to guide your organization’s behavior, policy, practice, culture, and climate. We are available to help foster equity in education, healthcare, government, the nonprofit and foundation sector, the criminal justice system, business, and arts & culture. 



Theory gives us a way to think about things.

Theory helps us make sense of the world around us. But theory has little meaning until it is put into practice in ways that create impact on the world. That's where Praxis comes in.

Praxis is theory put into action. 

Our work is grounded in cutting-edge theory and evidence-based research about:

  • diversity 

  • inclusion & belonging

  • equity

  • social justice

  • organization development

  • systems change

  • leadership

Our job is to make this theory accessible to you, so that you can put it into action—praxis—in your organization or community. When we help you think and talk about things more effectively, your action has greater impact.



We help your organization learn and grow.

We combine:

  • cutting edge DIAEJ theory, 

  • evidence-based organization development, and 

  • systems change practice.


Here’s how we work with you:


First we take the time to discover your specific needs.


Next we help you set meaningful goals.


Through workshops, consulting, coaching, and planning, we meet you where you are and help you get to the next stage in your DIAEJ and organizational journey.


Challenge, accepted!

We are on the mission to help you develop the knowledge and skills to achieve your unique goals. Ultimately, our aim is to help you create change that is meaningful—meaningful to you, your people, your organization, and, ultimately, our world. 


“Jarrod Schwartz is simply one of the most knowledgeable experts in the country. He not only understands racism, sexism, and other types of cultural oppression, he also understands how individuals and groups change and what learning processes are needed for institutions to become more effective by valuing and respecting all cultural groups.”

 — Dan Krichbaum,
Former Chief Operating Officer, State of Michigan, Office of the Governor,
Former Executive Director of The National Conference for
Community and Justice (NCCJ) of Michigan